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~ Erik Isaacs ~

Getting To Know Erik - The Dreamer, The Fairytale, The Inspiration


Growing up in the San Fernando Valley suburb of Los Angeles, Erik Isaacs has always been a creative soul. From a young age, Erik found himself writing short stories, plays, film scripts, poems, etc. and was always recognized by his teachers as having that "special something" in telling a story. He even remembers making up nightly bedtime stories he shared with his younger brother to help him fall asleep in the bed they shared as children.   Watching his mom's side of the family being very musical with his cousins and uncles being in bands and playing instruments, Erik always wished he could be musical like his family. But , he never picked up an instrument.  



Erik's story of finding music as his calling and true passion reads more like a fairytale.  In High School, Erik met a new transfer student in the middle of 11th grade in a drama class. Erik and this girl became best of friends.  As things go, Erik fell for this "drama girl" but she just wanted to be friends.  Too hard for him to just be friends, Erik distanced himself over the summer break.  Some time after starting 12th grade their friendship started up again.  Erik wrote poems and left a rose on the "drama girl's" car everyday for over 100 days! One of those poems turned into his first song. Erik recalls, "I was in my parent's laundry room late one night with everyone asleep, including my Abuelita (Grandmother in Spanish) who was visiting.  One of those poems just had a melody that poured out of the words.  It was that 'aha' moment and that was it for me!!!"  


Fast-forward, years later, after graduating from UCLA with a BA in Economics and headed to Law School, Erik had written and recorded about 20 or so songs, with 100's of song starts.  Erik then wrote a song that he used to propose to his then girlfriend and that song won him the Lionel Richie Songwriter's Award which gave him a full scholarship through UCLA's Songwriting Extension program. Erik reflected, "I had never studied music. This was life changing in every possible way."  It was true, Erik's life did change.  Erik never went on to law school and instead attended the Songwriting program at UCLA studying under some of the biggest and best names in the industry. He learned skills that he employs every day.   To further his knowledge in the music business also attended UCLA's Extension program in Music Business. Oh, and, back to the fairytale...Erik married that high school "drama girl" and have two children! Adding to the charm, they actually got  together two days before and went to their HS prom together (see pic below).



Erik adds "I got into songwriting by way of love and that is what continues to drive me today. My life's purpose is to spread love, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, and hope through my music.  Sure, I love to write the shake your ass songs and the world needs those feel good dance songs...but, ultimately, the goal is to write songs like John Lennon's 'Imagine' and fulfill my 'imagined' destiny. Music is universal.  It knows no race or color or gender or anything. My parents were a mixed couple and I vividly remember at 4 years old moving into our new home in what is now West Hills with rocks through our windows the first day. Yes! Right here in LA! I didn't immediately know what rocks through the windows meant back then.  But, my parents explained it to me in a way that made me very aware at a young age that there was something wrong with people who feared or acted with hatred against people who were simply different. My work reflects my efforts in being an agent for change.  My mom is Mexican/Catholic and dad was an English/Polish/Russian Caucasian Jew. When I was 15, I got to go on a life-changing business trip to India with my dad.  I saw great wealth and the saddest depths of poverty.  But what I really saw in everyone was a pure sense of  humanity, compassion, and a beautifully rich culture.  To me, I feel so blessed to understand the world as one race, the human race, with loving parents who taught me this by their own loving example of coming together from two different worlds and being one.  My dream...knowing the world is all one, united, even if it's just for 3 minutes, singing a song I was part of, lifting their spirit, and perhaps providing a little enlightenment or inspiration to open their own hearts. I cried the first time I went to a concert and saw a sea of people in the audience singing my song. Well, I'm a pretty emotional guy and pretty much everyone I've worked with knows me as a big teddy bear wears-his-heart-on-his-sleeve momma's boy who hugs everyone and isn't afraid to cry when emotionally touched.  I'm totally cool with that. That's me!  I never forget how and why I do this.  It's all about love. I now live about a mile from where I grew up and it's great to see a neighborhood transformed, so rich in different culture and color." 


Erik is a lay-it-on-the-table no BS kind of guy.  No secrets.  No hidden agenda. He's an open book.  Although he takes his craft and work seriously, he insists on always having a fun time and working without ego.   With Erik's big heart, everyone he has ever worked with has become his family.  And, that family continues to grow.  



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West Hills (Los Angeles) - California, USA

©2017-2019 by Erik Isaacs - BunBoy Music.

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